martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009
lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009
Picnic : Pikunikku
Pikunikku :
Alguna vez escuché que para salir de un laberinto hay que intentar recorrerlo por arriba.
Bien, en este cuento nos encontramos con tres personajes que comparten un mismo laberinto que comienza cuando deciden explorar el mundo exterior, lejos del manicomio y por el muro saltar desde ahí hacia el siguiente para armar al concluir la caminata un picnic imaginario.
Todo lo que acontece está cargado de un ambiente ingenuo, parece un libro de muchos capítulos que sorprende constantemente, una aventura profunda, de fantasías no anticipadas.
Un rodaje que al instante de descender los créditos se sabe que deja huella y siempre se recordará.
Pikunikku (picnic) trata sobre las vidas de dos chicos y una chica en un manicomio que sin vueltas desencadena en amistad y complicidad entre ambos.
Cruzan el límite del manicomio con el mundo exterior por el simple hecho de la curiosidad, quién es la chica la que toma la iniciativa siendo la más osada y en algún punto líder del grupo.
Intensa será la libertad que estos quijotescos jóvenes irán experimentando con absoluta alegría e inocencia.
A lo mejor termine ganando la realidad de los personajes y no la fantasía, no se sabe, importa poco porque aunque llegue a la superficie el drama, la comedia o incluso hasta la tragedia también puede llegar a ser este género poético a veces.
Quiebra realmente ciertas escenas conmovedoras, de un director con ojos de niño, como cuando de chico el Mago de Oz hacía creer que la vida era así.
La música es alegre y nostálgica, un buen abrigo para este entrañable trío que apareció en el lugar menos pensado, igual que la hierba en el asfalto.
Bien, en este cuento nos encontramos con tres personajes que comparten un mismo laberinto que comienza cuando deciden explorar el mundo exterior, lejos del manicomio y por el muro saltar desde ahí hacia el siguiente para armar al concluir la caminata un picnic imaginario.
Todo lo que acontece está cargado de un ambiente ingenuo, parece un libro de muchos capítulos que sorprende constantemente, una aventura profunda, de fantasías no anticipadas.
Un rodaje que al instante de descender los créditos se sabe que deja huella y siempre se recordará.
Pikunikku (picnic) trata sobre las vidas de dos chicos y una chica en un manicomio que sin vueltas desencadena en amistad y complicidad entre ambos.
Cruzan el límite del manicomio con el mundo exterior por el simple hecho de la curiosidad, quién es la chica la que toma la iniciativa siendo la más osada y en algún punto líder del grupo.
Intensa será la libertad que estos quijotescos jóvenes irán experimentando con absoluta alegría e inocencia.
A lo mejor termine ganando la realidad de los personajes y no la fantasía, no se sabe, importa poco porque aunque llegue a la superficie el drama, la comedia o incluso hasta la tragedia también puede llegar a ser este género poético a veces.
Quiebra realmente ciertas escenas conmovedoras, de un director con ojos de niño, como cuando de chico el Mago de Oz hacía creer que la vida era así.
La música es alegre y nostálgica, un buen abrigo para este entrañable trío que apareció en el lugar menos pensado, igual que la hierba en el asfalto.
viernes, 10 de julio de 2009
Last life in the universe
Last life in the universe
Quiero mucho “Last life in the universe”. Tuve que verla varias veces para vivir completamente esas escenas, diálogos, colores, música que acompaña el silencio de los gestos, en definitiva entender que se tejía realmente entre la tristeza.
Pareciera que en la necesidad suele quedar una persona en carne viva y en el confiar de nuevo para detener la soledad vuelve la alegría, como algo cíclico.
Algo así le pasa a un estudiante de Osaka y una chica tailandesa. Accidentalmente se cruzan, ella lo toma como amigo justo antes de viajar a Japón dejando atrás una casa y familia en ruinas, y decide esperarlo.
A él nada le queda, tan solo decenas de intentos de suicidio, obsesiones y un vacío existencial que juega con la muerte. Probablemente esa chica tailandesa sea la última vida en el universo que lo sostiene antes de entrar al ostracismo de todo calor humano.
Es extrañísima la relación que ambos van lentamente construyendo sin darse cuenta, difícil de describir, no sienten vergüenza de mostrar sus heridas más profundas. Saben que la única salida es correr, entonces la chica reacciona.
Los dos sellan desde esa ciénaga una amistad que se dio naturalmente, de náufragos, de cuerpos desnudos que se reconocen pero nunca se habían visto.
Transcribo el diálogo de una escena que están al aire libre. Ríen, conversan cálidamente, se regalan cosas, están contentos y dentro de poco la chica debe viajar. El único detalle que en cuestión de horas el joven de Osaka después de esto se parará frente a interminables olas de angustia encolumnadas e irá hacia el fondo del mar, descarnadamente, y no le preocupa. M.T.L
Quiero mucho “Last life in the universe”. Tuve que verla varias veces para vivir completamente esas escenas, diálogos, colores, música que acompaña el silencio de los gestos, en definitiva entender que se tejía realmente entre la tristeza.
Pareciera que en la necesidad suele quedar una persona en carne viva y en el confiar de nuevo para detener la soledad vuelve la alegría, como algo cíclico.
Algo así le pasa a un estudiante de Osaka y una chica tailandesa. Accidentalmente se cruzan, ella lo toma como amigo justo antes de viajar a Japón dejando atrás una casa y familia en ruinas, y decide esperarlo.
A él nada le queda, tan solo decenas de intentos de suicidio, obsesiones y un vacío existencial que juega con la muerte. Probablemente esa chica tailandesa sea la última vida en el universo que lo sostiene antes de entrar al ostracismo de todo calor humano.
Es extrañísima la relación que ambos van lentamente construyendo sin darse cuenta, difícil de describir, no sienten vergüenza de mostrar sus heridas más profundas. Saben que la única salida es correr, entonces la chica reacciona.
Los dos sellan desde esa ciénaga una amistad que se dio naturalmente, de náufragos, de cuerpos desnudos que se reconocen pero nunca se habían visto.
Transcribo el diálogo de una escena que están al aire libre. Ríen, conversan cálidamente, se regalan cosas, están contentos y dentro de poco la chica debe viajar. El único detalle que en cuestión de horas el joven de Osaka después de esto se parará frente a interminables olas de angustia encolumnadas e irá hacia el fondo del mar, descarnadamente, y no le preocupa. M.T.L
Esto es ensalada de papaya...
Está muy buena.
¿Qué tal?
Tendrás una buena diarrea mañana.
¡Mañana cagarás mucho!
Tengo un regalo para ti.
¿Un regalo?
El:Cierra los ojos...
Date la vuelta.
Ya puedes abrir los ojos.
- Lo necesitabas.
Esto es ensalada de papaya...
Está muy buena.
¿Qué tal?
Tendrás una buena diarrea mañana.
¡Mañana cagarás mucho!
Tengo un regalo para ti.
¿Un regalo?
El:Cierra los ojos...
Date la vuelta.
Ya puedes abrir los ojos.
- Lo necesitabas.
domingo, 21 de junio de 2009
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
Cine experimental japonés : Kurutta Ippeiji
"Página de la locura"

Biografía de Teinosuke Kinugasa
Nace el 1 de enero de 1896 en Kogame (Mie) y fallece el 12 de enero de 1982 en Tokio.
Hijo de una familia adinerada, Kinugasa se educó en la prestigiosa escuela privada Sasayama. Luego se trasladó a Nagoya, para comenzar su aprendizaje de actor, completado en 1915, cuando debutó en los escenarios. En numerosas obras de teatro kabuki interpretó papeles de mujer, y formó parte de los llamados onnagata, o intérpretes especializados en roles femeninos.
En 1918 fue contratado en los estudios Nikkatsu, pero dos años después aceptó una oferta más substanciosa de la compañía Makino Kinema. Finalmente comenzó a trabajar en la firma Shochiku, al tiempo que abanderaba un movimiento intelectual que intervino activamente en la polémica en torno a la idoneidad de contratar actrices para los papeles femeninos, lo que desvinculó así el cine de la tradición impuesta por el kabuki.
Si en Una página de locura la vanguardia se expresa mediante la enajenación de los protagonistas y la yuxtaposición temporal de las secuencias, Cruce de caminos es un melodrama más convencional en sus contenidos, ambientado en los aledaños de Yoshiwara, el barrio de mala fama del antiguo Tokio. La acción, situada en el siglo XVIII, también gira en este caso alrededor de la idea de culpa. La escenografía se acerca en algún elemento al expresionismo, tendencia artística que, admirada por el cineasta, logró cierto aprecio entre el público japonés.
Buen amigo del actor Kazuo Hasegawa, Kinugasa contó con éste en repetidas ocasiones, tanto en su etapa en la compañía Toho (1939), como durante su período en el estudio Daiei (1949).
Sin lugar a dudas, el film más conocido de este realizador es La puerta del infierno (1953), cuya trama se desarrolla en el siglo XII, un período caracterizado por la lucha entre clanes. En dicho período Kinugasa ubica una historia de pasión y poder, filmada en color y formato panorámico, lo cual propició su buena acogida en Occidente, gracias en parte a un esteticismo involuntario pero muy apreciado por los espectadores extranjeros. Premiado en el Festival de Cannes, este largometraje concurrió a los Oscar de Hollywood, donde también fue galardonado en las categorías de Mejor Película Extranjera y Mejor Vestuario.
Sus dos películas más destacables de este período fueron Una página de locura (1926) y Cruce de caminos (1928). Particularmente la primera, por su vanguardista tratamiento fílmico, ha logrado un reconocimiento internacional extraordinario. Los acontecimientos de Una página de locura ocurren en un manicomio. El anciano protagonista es el guardián del centro, que acepta ese trabajo cuando su esposa pierde la razón al ahogarse su hijo pequeño en el cauce de un río. La madre encarna la culpa por la muerte de un hijo a quien, simplemente, no pudo salvar. El padre, a su vez, se entrega a las labores del manicomio entendiendo que es culpable de la demencia de su esposa, a quien no pudo sacar de la desesperación. Llena de secuencias oníricas, casi surrealistas, esta película está considerada la más importante del vanguardismo japonés, y aún se proyecta con regularidad en las filmotecas de todo el mundo.

Biografía de Teinosuke Kinugasa
Nace el 1 de enero de 1896 en Kogame (Mie) y fallece el 12 de enero de 1982 en Tokio.
Hijo de una familia adinerada, Kinugasa se educó en la prestigiosa escuela privada Sasayama. Luego se trasladó a Nagoya, para comenzar su aprendizaje de actor, completado en 1915, cuando debutó en los escenarios. En numerosas obras de teatro kabuki interpretó papeles de mujer, y formó parte de los llamados onnagata, o intérpretes especializados en roles femeninos.
En 1918 fue contratado en los estudios Nikkatsu, pero dos años después aceptó una oferta más substanciosa de la compañía Makino Kinema. Finalmente comenzó a trabajar en la firma Shochiku, al tiempo que abanderaba un movimiento intelectual que intervino activamente en la polémica en torno a la idoneidad de contratar actrices para los papeles femeninos, lo que desvinculó así el cine de la tradición impuesta por el kabuki.
Si en Una página de locura la vanguardia se expresa mediante la enajenación de los protagonistas y la yuxtaposición temporal de las secuencias, Cruce de caminos es un melodrama más convencional en sus contenidos, ambientado en los aledaños de Yoshiwara, el barrio de mala fama del antiguo Tokio. La acción, situada en el siglo XVIII, también gira en este caso alrededor de la idea de culpa. La escenografía se acerca en algún elemento al expresionismo, tendencia artística que, admirada por el cineasta, logró cierto aprecio entre el público japonés.
Buen amigo del actor Kazuo Hasegawa, Kinugasa contó con éste en repetidas ocasiones, tanto en su etapa en la compañía Toho (1939), como durante su período en el estudio Daiei (1949).
Sin lugar a dudas, el film más conocido de este realizador es La puerta del infierno (1953), cuya trama se desarrolla en el siglo XII, un período caracterizado por la lucha entre clanes. En dicho período Kinugasa ubica una historia de pasión y poder, filmada en color y formato panorámico, lo cual propició su buena acogida en Occidente, gracias en parte a un esteticismo involuntario pero muy apreciado por los espectadores extranjeros. Premiado en el Festival de Cannes, este largometraje concurrió a los Oscar de Hollywood, donde también fue galardonado en las categorías de Mejor Película Extranjera y Mejor Vestuario.
Sus dos películas más destacables de este período fueron Una página de locura (1926) y Cruce de caminos (1928). Particularmente la primera, por su vanguardista tratamiento fílmico, ha logrado un reconocimiento internacional extraordinario. Los acontecimientos de Una página de locura ocurren en un manicomio. El anciano protagonista es el guardián del centro, que acepta ese trabajo cuando su esposa pierde la razón al ahogarse su hijo pequeño en el cauce de un río. La madre encarna la culpa por la muerte de un hijo a quien, simplemente, no pudo salvar. El padre, a su vez, se entrega a las labores del manicomio entendiendo que es culpable de la demencia de su esposa, a quien no pudo sacar de la desesperación. Llena de secuencias oníricas, casi surrealistas, esta película está considerada la más importante del vanguardismo japonés, y aún se proyecta con regularidad en las filmotecas de todo el mundo.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
Pintor y grabador japonés, nacido en Edo con el nombre de Tokitaro. Está considerado como el máximo exponente de la escuela de grabados Ukiyo-e, o pinturas del mundo flotante. Entró a trabajar en el taller del artista de Ukiyo-e Katsukawa Shunsho en 1775 y con él aprendió la técnica del grabado con planchas de madera, especializándose en retratar actores. A partir de 1796 comenzó su trabajo autónomo con álbumes de grabados y grabados aislados, firmando algunas de sus obras con el seudónimo de Hokusai. Hacia 1800 ya era un artista conocido gracias a la exhibición pública de sus obras, como la pintura de 240 m2 de Bodhidharma que pintó en un templo en 1804. Después de 1806 su estilo se tornó más monumental y clásico, tras el periodo en que se dedicó a ilustrar novelas históricas. Las xilografías, ilustraciones para libros y paisajes más conocidos fueron realizados entre 1830 y 1840. Las líneas curvas y de gran soltura, características de su estilo, fueron evolucionando gradualmente hacia una serie de espirales que añadieron una libertad y elegancia aún mayores a su obra, como puede observarse en Raiden (el Espíritu del trueno). Era famoso por la energía y espontaneidad de su genio creador, cosa que con la edad se incrementó aún más. En las obras de su última época utilizaba pinceladas amplias cortadas y una técnica de coloreado que le daba una cualidad más sombría. Entre las más conocidas están el cuaderno de dibujos en 13 volúmenes Hokusai manga (comenzado en 1814) y la serie de grabados conocida como Fugaku sanjurokkei (Treinta y seis vistas del monte Fuji, c.1826-1833), máximo exponente de sus grabados de paisajes, que contiene algunas de las imágenes más famosas de la tradición artística japonesa. Su capacidad creativa se mantuvo siempre activa hasta que un incendio destruyó sus bocetos y materiales de trabajo en 1839, tras lo cual continuó trabajando pero de modo más pausado. Sus últimas obras, realizadas poco antes de morir a los 89 años, ponen de manifiesto su enorme capacidad y determinación artística para superar los achaques de la vejez. A mediados del siglo XIX sus grabados, como los de otros artistas japoneses, empezaron a importarse a París, Francia, donde se coleccionaban con gran entusiasmo, en especial por parte de impresionistas de la talla de Claude Monet, Edgar Degas y Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, cuya obra denota una profunda influencia de dichos grabados.
[...] a la edad de cinco años tenía la manía de hacer trazos de las cosas. A la edad de 50 había producido un gran número de dibujos, con todo, ninguno tenía un verdadero mérito hasta la edad de 70 años. A los 73 finalmente aprendí algo sobre la calidad verdadera de las cosas, pájaros, animales, insectos, peces, las hierbas o los árboles. Por lo tanto a la edad de 80 años habré hecho un cierto progreso, a los 90 habré penetrado el significado más profundo de las cosas, a los 100 habré hecho realmente maravillas y a los 110, cada punto, cada línea, poseerá vida propia [...]

Um nome artístico (em japonês, "go") é um pseudônimo, usado por um artista japonês, que ele algumas vezes pode mudar.Em alguns casos, artistas adotaram diferentes go em diferentes estágios de suas carreiras, geralmente para marcar mudanças significantes em sua vida ou em sua obra. Um dos exemplos mais extremos disso é Hokusai, que, no período de 1798 a 1806, sozinho usou nada menos do que seis go. Hokusai usou mais de quarenta diferentes nomes durante sua vida. O nome que ele estava usando quando morreu, aos 89 anos, era "Um velho louco por arte".
Adriana Calcanhotto
lunes, 27 de abril de 2009
jueves, 23 de abril de 2009
sábado, 18 de abril de 2009
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
Enuma Elish

Poema de la Creación .
Enûma Elish, significa en acadio "cuando en lo alto", y son las dos primeras palabras de un poema babilónico que narra el origen del mundo.
el "Enuma Elish" será siempre valioso por su contenido cosmogónico y por resultar la más alta manifestación de la épica de Babilonia durante el tiempo de la primera dinastía (entre los siglos XIX a XVII antes de J.C.).
Siete tablillas de barro cocido, con apretados cuneiformes -en cada una de aquéllas caben unos ciento cincuenta versos- constituyen este poema.
Texto completo en inglés :
Enûma Elish, significa en acadio "cuando en lo alto", y son las dos primeras palabras de un poema babilónico que narra el origen del mundo.
el "Enuma Elish" será siempre valioso por su contenido cosmogónico y por resultar la más alta manifestación de la épica de Babilonia durante el tiempo de la primera dinastía (entre los siglos XIX a XVII antes de J.C.).
Siete tablillas de barro cocido, con apretados cuneiformes -en cada una de aquéllas caben unos ciento cincuenta versos- constituyen este poema.
Texto completo en inglés :
When in the height heaven was not named,And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name,And the primeval Apsu, who begat them,And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them bothTheir waters were mingled together,And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;When of the gods none had been called into being,And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained; Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven,Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being...Ages increased,...Then Ansar and Kisar were created, and over them....Long were the days, then there came forth.....Anu, their son,...Ansar and Anu...And the god Anu...Nudimmud, whom his fathers, his begetters.....Abounding in all wisdom,...'He was exceeding strong...He had no rival -Thus were established and were... the great gods.But Tiamat and Apsu were still in confusion...They were troubled and...In disorder...Apru was not diminished in might...And Tiamat roared...She smote, and their deeds...Their way was evil...Then Apsu, the begetter of the great gods,Cried unto Mummu, his minister, and said unto him:"O Mummu, thou minister that rejoicest my spirit,Come, unto Tiamut let us go!So they went and before Tiamat they lay down,They consulted on a plan with regard to the gods, their sons.Apsu opened his mouth and spake,And unto Tiamut, the glistening one, he addressed the word:...their way...By day I can not rest, by night I can not lie down in peace.But I will destroy their way, I will...Let there be lamentation, and let us lie down again in peace."When Tiamat heard these words,She raged and cried aloud...She... grievously...,She uttered a curse, and unto Apsu she spake:"What then shall we do?Let their way be made difficult, and let us lie down again in peace."Mummu answered, and gave counsel unto Apsu,...and hostile to the gods was the counsel Mummu gave:Come, their way is strong, but thou shalt destroy it;Then by day shalt thou have rest, by night shalt thou lie down in peace."Apsu harkened unto him and his countenance grew bright,Since he (Mummu) planned evil against the gods his sons.... he was afraid...,His knees became weak; they gave way beneath him,Because of the evil which their first-born had planned.... their... they altered.... they...,Lamentation they sat in sorrow..................Then Ea, who knoweth all that is, went up and he beheld their muttering.[about 30 illegible lines]... he spake:... thy... he hath conquered and... he weepeth and sitteth in tribulation.... of fear,... we shall not lie down in peace.... Apsu is laid waste,... and Mummu, who were taken captive, in...... thou didst...... let us lie down in peace.... they will smite....... let us lie down in peace.... thou shalt take vengeance for them,... unto the tempest shalt thou...!"And Tiamat harkened unto the word of the bright god, and said:... shalt thou entrust! let us wage war!"... the gods in the midst of...... for the gods did she create.They banded themselves together and at the side of Tiamat they advanced;They were furious; they devised mischief without resting night and day.They prepared for battle, fuming and raging;They joined their forces and made war,Ummu-Hubur [Tiamat] who formed all things,Made in addition weapons invincible; she spawned monster-serpents,Sharp of tooth, and merciless of fang;With poison, instead of blood, she filled their bodies.Fierce monster-vipers she clothed with terror,With splendor she decked them, she made them of lofty stature.Whoever beheld them, terror overcame him,Their bodies reared up and none could withstand their attack.She set up vipers and dragons, and the monster Lahamu,And hurricanes, and raging hounds, and scorpion-men,And mighty tempests, and fish-men, and rams;They bore cruel weapons, without fear of the fight.Her commands were mighty, none could resist them;After this fashion, huge of stature, she made eleven [kinds of] monsters.Among the gods who were her sons, inasmuch as he had given her support,She exalted Kingu; in their midst she raised him to power.To march before the forces, to lead the host,To give the battle-signal, to advance to the attack,To direct the battle, to control the fight,Unto him she entrusted; in costly raiment she made him sit, saying:I have uttered thy spell, in the assembly of the gods I have raised thee to power.The dominion over all the gods have I entrusted unto him.Be thou exalted, thou my chosen spouse,May they magnify thy name over all of them the Anunnaki."She gave him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, saying:Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established."Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu,Decreed the fate among the gods his sons, saying:"Let the opening of your mouth quench the Fire-god;Whoso is exalted in the battle, let him display his might!"
Tiamat made weighty her handiwork,Evil she wrought against the gods her children.To avenge Apsu, Tiamat planned evil,But how she had collected her forces, the god unto Ea divulged.Ea harkened to this thing, andHe was grievously afflicted and he sat in sorrow.The days went by, and his anger was appeased,And to the place of Ansar his father he took his way.He went and, standing before Ansar, the father who begat him,All that Tiamat had plotted he repeated unto him,Saying, "Tiamat our mother hath conceived a hatred for us,With all her force she rageth, full of wrath.All the gods have turned to her,With those, whom ye created, thev go at her side.They are banded together and at the side of Tiamat they advance;They are furious, they devise mischief without resting night and day.They prepare for battle, fuming and raging;They have joined their forces and are making war.Ummu-Hubur, who formed all things,Hath made in addition weapons invincible; she hath spawned monster-serpents,Sharp of tooth, and merciless of fang.With poison, instead of blood, she hath filled their bodies.Fierce monster-vipers she hath clothed with terror,With splendor she hath decked them; she hath made them of lofty stature.Whoever beholdeth them is overcome by terror,Their bodies rear up and none can withstand their attack.She hath set up vipers, and dragons, and the monster Lahamu,And hurricanes and raging hounds, and scorpion-men,And mighty tempests, and fish-men and rams;They bear cruel weapons, without fear of the fight.Her commands are mighty; none can resist them;After this fashion, huge of stature, hath she made eleven monsters.Among the gods who are her sons, inasmuch as he hath given her support,She hath exalted Kingu; in their midst she hath raised him to power.To march before the forces, to lead the host,To give the battle-signal, to advance to the attack.To direct the battle, to control the fight,Unto him hath she entrusted; in costly raiment she hath made him sit, saving:.I have uttered thy spell; in the assembly of the gods I have raised thee to power,The dominion over all the gods have I entrusted unto thee.Be thou exalted, thou my chosen spouse,May they magnify thy name over all of themShe hath given him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, saying:'Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established.'Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu,Decreed the fate for the gods, her sons, saying:'Let the opening of your mouth quench the Fire-god;Whoso is exalted in the battle, let him display his might!'"When Ansar heard how Tiamat was mightily in revolt,he bit his lips, his mind was not at peace,..., he made a bitter lamentation:... battle,... thou...Mummu and Apsu thou hast smittenBut Tiamat hath exalted Kingu, and where is one who can oppose her?... deliberation... the ... of the gods, -Nudimmud.[A gap of about a dozen lines occurs here.]Ansar unto his son addressed the word:"... my mighty hero,Whose strength is great and whose onslaught can not be withstood,Go and stand before Tiamat,That her spirit may be appeased, that her heart may be merciful.But if she will not harken unto thy word,Our word shalt thou speak unto her, that she may be pacified."He heard the word of his father AnsarAnd he directed his path to her, toward her he took the way.Ann drew nigh, he beheld the muttering of Tiamat,But he could not withstand her, and he turned back.... Ansar... he spake unto him:[A gap of over twenty lines occurs here.]an avenger...... valiant... in the place of his decision... he spake unto him:... thy father" Thou art my son, who maketh merciful his heart.... to the battle shalt thou draw nigh,he that shall behold thee shall have peace." And the lord rejoiced at the word of his father,And he drew nigh and stood before Ansar.Ansar beheld him and his heart was filled with joy,He kissed him on the lips and his fear departed from him."O my father, let not the word of thy lips be overcome,Let me go, that I may accomplish all that is in thy heart.O Ansar, let not the word of thy lips be overcome,Let me go, that I may accomplish all that is in thy heart."What man is it, who hath brought thee forth to battle?... Tiamat, who is a woman, is armed and attacketh thee.... rejoice and be glad;The neck of Tiamat shalt thou swiftly trample under foot.... rejoice and be glad;The neck of Tiamat shalt thou swiftly trample under foot.0 my son, who knoweth all wisdom,Pacify Tiamat with thy pure incantation.Speedily set out upon thy way,For thy blood shall not be poured out; thou shalt return again."The lord rejoiced at the word of his father,His heart exulted, and unto his father he spake:"O Lord of the gods, Destiny of the great gods,If I, your avenger,Conquer Tiamat and give you life,Appoint an assembly, make my fate preeminent and proclaim it.In Upsukkinaku seat yourself joyfully together,With my word in place of you will I decree fate.May whatsoever I do remain unaltered,May the word of my lips never be chanced nor made of no avail."
Ansar opened his mouth, andUnto Gaga, his minister, spake the word."O Gaga, thou minister that rejoicest my spirit,Unto Lahmu and Lahamu will I send thee.... thou canst attain,... thou shalt cause to be brought before thee.... let the gods, all of them,Make ready for a feast, at a banquet let them sit,Let them eat bread, let them mix wine,That for Marduk, their avenger they may decree the fate.Go, Gaga, stand before them,And all that I tell thee, repeat unto them, and say:'Ansar, vour son, hath sent me,The purpose of his heart he hath made known unto me.The purpose of his heart he hath made known unto me.He saith that Tiamat our mother hath conceived a hatred for us,With all her force she rageth, full of wrath.All the gods have turned to her,With those, whom ye created, they go at her side.They are banded together, and at the side of Tiamat they advance;They are furious, they devise mischief without resting night and day.They prepare for battle, fuming and raging;They have joined their forces and are making war.Ummu-Hubur, who formed all things,Hath made in addition weapons invincible; she hath spawned monster-serpents,Sharp of tooth and merciless of fang.With poison, instead of blood, she hath filled their bodies.Fierce monster-vipers she hath clothed with terror,With splendor she hath decked them; she hath made them of lofty stature.Whoever beboldeth them, terror overcometh him,Their bodies rear up and none can withstand their attack.She hath set up vipers, and dragons, and the monster Lahamu,And hurricanes, and raging bounds, and scorpion-men,And mighty tempests, and fish-men, and rams;They bear merciless weapons, without fear of the fight.Her commands are miahty; none can. resist them;After this fashion, huge of stature, hath she made eleven monsters.Among the gods who are her sons, inasmuch as he hath given her support,She hath exalted Kingu; in their midst she hath raised him to power.To march before the forces, to lead the host,To give the battle-signal, to advance to the attack,To direct the battle, to control the fight,Unto him hath she entrusted; in costly raiment she hath made him sit, saying:I have uttered thy spell; in the assembly of the godsI have raised thee to power,The dominion over all the gods have I entrusted unto thee.Be thou exalted, thou my chosen spouse,May they magnify thy name over all of them ... the Anunnaki."She hath given him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, saying:Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established."Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu,Decreed the fate for the gods, her sons, saving:Let the opening of your mouth quench the Fire-god;Whoso is exalted in the battle, let him display his might!"I sent Anu, but he could not withstand her;Nudimmud was afraid and turned back.But Marduk hath set out, the director of the gods, your son;To set out against Tiamat his heart hath prompted him.He opened his mouth and spake unto me, saying: "If I, your avenger,Conquer Tiamat and give you life,Appoint an assembly, make my fate preeminent and proclaim it.In Upsukkinaku seat yourself joyfully together;With my word in place of you will I decree fate.May whatsoever I do remain unaltered,May the word of my lips never be changed nor made of no avail."'Hasten, therefore, and swiftly decree for him the fate which you bestow,That he may go and fight your strong enemy.Gaga went, he took his way andHumbly before Lahmu and Lahamu, the gods, his fathers,He made obeisance, and he kissed the ground at their feet.He humbled himself; then he stood up and spake unto them saying:"Ansar, your son, hath sent me,The purpose of his heart he hath made known unto me.He saith that Tiamat our mother hath conceived a hatred for us,With all her force she rageth, full of wrath.All the gods have turned to her,With those, whom ye created, they go at her side.They are banded together and at the side of Tiamat they advance;They are furious, they devise mischief without resting night and day.They prepare for battle, fuming and raging;They have joined their forces and are making war.Ummu-Hubur, who formed all things,Hath made in addition weapons invincible; she hath spawned monster-serpents,Sharp of tooth and merciless of fang.With poison, instead of blood, she hath filled their bodies.Fierce monster-vipers she hath clothed with terror,With splendor she hath decked them, she hath made them of lofty stature.Whoever beboldeth them, terror overcometh him,Their bodies rear up and none can withstand their attack.She hath set up vipers, and dragons, and the monster Lahamu,And hurricanes, and raging hounds, and scorpion-men,And mighty tempests, and fish-men, and rams;They bear merciless weapons, without fear of the fight.Her commands are mighty; none can resist them;After this fashion, huge of stature, hath she made eleven monsters.Among the gods who are her sons, inasmuch as he hath given her support,She hath exalted Kingu; in their midst she hath raised him to power.To march before the forces, to lead the host,To give the battle-signal, to advance to the attack, To direct the battle, to control the fight,Unto him hath she entrusted; in costlv raiment she hath made him sit, saving:I have uttered thy spell; in the assembly of the gods I have raised thee to power,The dominion over all the gods have I entrusted unto thee.Be thou exalted, thou my chosen spouse,May they magnify thy name over all of them...the Anunnaki.She hath given him the Tablets of Destiny on his breast she laid them, saving:Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established.'Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu,Decreed the fate for the gods, her sons, saying:'Let the opening of your mouth quench the Fire-god;Whoso is exalted in the battle, let him display his might!'I sent Anu, but he could not withstand her;Nudimmud was afraid and turned back.But Marduk hath set out, the director of the gods, your son;To set out against Tiamat his heart hath prompted him.He opened his mouth and spake unto me, saying:'If I, your avenger,Conquer Tiamat and give you life,Appoint an assembly, make my fate preeminent and proclaim it.In Upsukkinaku seat yourselves joyfully together;With my word in place of you will I decree fate.May, whatsoever I do remain unaltered,May the word of my lips never be changed nor made of no avail.'Hasten, therefore, and swiftly decree for him the fate which you bestow,That he may go and fight your strong enemy!Lahmu and Lahamu heard and cried aloudAll of the Igigi [The elder gods] wailed bitterly, saying:What has been altered so that they shouldWe do not understand the deed of Tiamat!Then did they collect and go,The great gods, all of them, who decree fate.They entered in before Ansar, they filled...They kissed one another, in the assembly...;They made ready for the feast, at the banquet they sat;They ate bread, they mixed sesame-wine.The sweet drink, the mead, confused their...They were drunk with drinking, their bodies were filled.They were wholly at ease, their spirit was exalted;Then for Marduk, their avenger, did they decree the fate.
They prepared for him a lordly chamber,Before his fathers as prince he took his place."Thou art chiefest among the great gods,Thy fate is unequaled, thy word is Anu!O Marduk, thou art chiefest among the great gods,Thy fate is unequaled, thy word is Anu!Henceforth not without avail shall be thy command,In thy power shall it be to exalt and to abase.Established shall be the word of thy mouth, irresistible shall be thy command,None among the gods shall transgress thy boundary.Abundance, the desire of the shrines of the gods,Shall be established in thy sanctuary, even though they lack offerings.O Marduk, thou art our avenger!We give thee sovereignty over the whole world.Sit thou down in might; be exalted in thy command.Thy weapon shall never lose its power; it shall crush thy foe.O Lord, spare the life of him that putteth his trust in thee,But as for the god who began the rebellion, pour out his life."Then set they in their midst a garment,And unto Marduk,- their first-born they spake:"May thy fate, O lord, be supreme among the gods,To destroy and to create; speak thou the word, and thy command shall be fulfilled.Command now and let the garment vanish;And speak the word again and let the garment reappear!Then he spake with his mouth, and the garment vanished;Again he commanded it, and. the garment reappeared.When the gods, his fathers, beheld the fulfillment of his word,They rejoiced, and they did homage unto him, saying, " Marduk is king!"They bestowed upon him the scepter, and the throne, and the ring,They give him an invincible weapony which overwhelmeth the foe.Go, and cut off the life of Tiamat,And let the wind carry her blood into secret places."After the gods his fathers had decreed for the lord his fate,They caused him to set out on a path of prosperity and success.He made ready the bow, he chose his weapon,He slung a spear upon him and fastened it...He raised the club, in his right hand he grasped it,The bow and the quiver he hung at his side.He set the lightning in front of him,With burning flame he filled his body.He made a net to enclose the inward parts of Tiamat,The four winds he stationed so that nothing of her might escape;The South wind and the North wind and the East wind and the West windHe brought near to the net, the gift of his father Anu.He created the evil wind, and the tempest, and the hurricane,And the fourfold wind, and the sevenfold wind, and the whirlwind, and the wind which had no equal;He sent forth the winds which he had created, the seven of them;To disturb the inward parts of Tiamat, they followed after him.Then the lord raised the thunderbolt, his mighty weapon,He mounted the chariot, the storm unequaled for terror,He harnessed and yoked unto it four horses,Destructive, ferocious, overwhelming, and swift of pace;... were their teeth, they were flecked with foam;They were skilled in... , they had been trained to trample underfoot.... . mighty in battle,Left and right....His garment was... , he was clothed with terror,With overpowering brightness his head was crowned.Then he set out, he took his way,And toward the raging Tiamat he set his face.On his lips he held ...,... he grasped in his hand.Then they beheld him, the gods beheld him,The gods his fathers beheld him, the gods beheld him.And the lord drew nigh, he gazed upon the inward parts of Tiamat,He perceived the muttering of Kingu, her spouse.As Marduk gazed, Kingu was troubled in his gait,His will was destroyed and his motions ceased.And the gods, his helpers, who marched by his side,Beheld their leader's..., and their sight was troubled.But Tiamat... , she turned not her neck,With lips that failed not she uttered rebellious words:"... thy coming as lord of the gods,From their places have they gathered, in thy place are they! "Then the lord raised the thunderbolt, his mighty weapon,And against Tiamat, who was raging, thus he sent the word:Thou art become great, thou hast exalted thyself on high,And thy heart hath prompted thee to call to battle.... their fathers...,... their... thou hatest...Thou hast exalted Kingu to be thy spouse,Thou hast... him, that, even as Anu, he should issue deerees.thou hast followed after evil,And against the gods my fathers thou hast contrived thy wicked plan.Let then thy host be equipped, let thy weapons be girded on!Stand! I and thou, let us join battle!When Tiamat heard these words,She was like one posessed, .she lost her reason.Tiamat uttered wild, piercing cries,She trembled and shook to her very foundations.She recited an incantation, she pronounced her spell,And the gods of the battle cried out for their weapons.Then advanced Tiamat and Marduk, the counselor of the gods;To the fight they came on, to the battle they drew nigh.The lord spread out his net and caught her,And the evil wind that was behind him he let loose in her face.As Tiamat opened her mouth to its full extent,He drove in the evil wind, while as yet she had not shut her lips.The terrible winds filled her belly,And her courage was taken from her, and her mouth she opened wide.He seized the spear and burst her belly,He severed her inward parts, he pierced her heart.He overcame her and cut off her life;He cast down her body and stood upon it.When he had slain Tiamat, the leader,Her might was broken, her host was scattered.And the gods her helpers, who marched by her side,Trembled, and were afraid, and turned back.They took to flight to save their lives;But they were surrounded, so that they could not escape.He took them captive, he broke their weapons;In the net they were caught and in the snare they sat down.The ... of the world they filled with cries of grief.They received punishment from him, they were held in bondage.And on the eleven creatures which she had filled with the power of striking terror,Upon the troop of devils, who marched at her...,He brought affliction, their strength he...;Them and their opposition he trampled under his feet.Moreover, Kingu, who had been exalted over them,He conquered, and with the god Dug-ga he counted him.He took from him the Tablets of Destiny that were not rightly his,He sealed them with a seal and in his own breast he laid them.Now after the hero Marduk had conquered and cast down his enemies,And had made the arrogant foe even likeAnd had fully established Ansar's triumph over the enemyAnd had attained the purpose of Nudimmud,Over the captive gods he strengthened his durance,And unto Tiamat, whom he had conquered, he returned.And the lord stood upon Tiamat's hinder parts,And with his merciless club he smashed her skull.He cut through the channels of her blood,And he made the North wind bear it away into secret places.His fathers beheld, and they rejoiced and were glad;Presents and gifts they brought unto him.Then the lord rested, gazing upon her dead body,While he divided the flesh of the ... , and devised a cunning plan.He split her up like a flat fish into two halves;One half of her he stablished as a covering for heaven.He fixed a bolt, he stationed a watchman,And bade them not to let her waters come forth.He passed through the heavens, he surveyed the regions thereof,And over against the Deep he set the dwelling of Nudimmud.And the lord measured the structure of the Deep,And he founded E-sara, a mansion like unto it.The mansion E-sara which he created as heaven,He caused Anu, Bel, and Ea in their districts to inhabit.
He (Marduk) made the stations for the great gods;The stars, their images, as the stars of the Zodiac, he fixed.He ordained the year and into sections he divided it;For the twelve months he fixed three stars.After he had ... the days of the year ... images,He founded the station of Nibir [the planet Jupiter] to determine their bounds;That none might err or go astray,He set the station of Bel and Ea along with him.He opened great gates on both sides,He made strong the bolt on the left and on the right.In the midst thereof he fixed the zenith;The Moon-god he caused to shine forth, the night he entrusted to him.He appointed him, a being of the night, to determine the days;Every month without ceasing with the crown he covered him, saying:"At the beginning of the month, when thou shinest upon the land,Thou commandest the horns to determine six days,And on the seventh day to divide the crown.On the fourteenth day thou shalt stand opposite, the half....When the Sun-god on the foundation of heaven...thee,The ... thou shalt cause to ..., and thou shalt make his...... unto the path of the Sun-god shalt thou cause to draw nigh,And on the ... day thou shalt stand opposite, and the Sun-god shall...... to traverse her way.... thou shalt cause to draw nigh, and thou shalt judge the right.... to destroy..."[Nearly fifty lines are here lost.]The gods, his fathers, beheld the net which he had made,They beheld the bow and how its work was accomplished.They praised the work which he had done...Then Anu raised the ... in the assembly of the gods. He kissed the bow, saving, " It is...!"And thus he named the names of the bow, saving,"'Long-wood' shall be one name, and the second name shall be ...,And its third name shall be the Bow-star, in heaven shall it...!"Then he fixed a station for it...Now after the fate of...He set a heaven...[The remainder of this tablet is missing.]THE SIXTH TABLET
When Marduk heard the word of the gods,His heart prompted him and he devised a cunning plan.He opened his mouth and unto Ea he spakeThat which he had conceived in his heart he imparted unto him:"My blood will I take and bone will I fashionI will make man, that man mayI will create man who shall inhabit the earth,That the service of the gods may be established, and that their shrines may be built.But I will alter the ways of the gods, and I will change their paths;Together shall they be oppressed and unto evil shall they....And Ea answered him and spake the word:"... the ... of the gods I have changed... and one...... shall be destroyed and men will I...... and the gods .... and they..."[The rest of the text is wanting with the exception ofthe last few lines of the tablet, which read as follows.]They rejoiced...In Upsukkinnaku they set their dwelling.Of the heroic son, their avenger, they cried:" We, whom he succored.... !"They seated themselves and in the assembly they named him...,They all cried aloud, they exalted him...
O Asari, [Marduk] "Bestower of planting," "Founder of sowing""Creator of grain and plants," "who caused the green herb to spring up!"O Asaru-alim, [Mardk] "who is revered in the house of counsel," "who aboundeth in counsel,"The gods paid homage, fear took hold upon them!O Asaru-alim-nuna, [Marduk] "the mighty one," "the Light of the father who begat him,""Who directeth the decrees of Anu Bel, and Ea!"He was their patron, be ordained their...;He, whose provision is abundance, goeth forth...Tutu [Marduk] is "He who created them anew";Should their wants be pure, then are they satisfied;Should he make an incantation, then are the gods appeased;Should they attack him in anger, he withstandeth their onslaught!Let him therefore be exalted, and in the assembly of the gods let him... ;None among the gods can rival him!15 Tutu [Marduk] is Zi-ukkina, "the Life of the host of the gods,"Who established for the gods the bright heavens.He set them on their way, and ordained their path;Never shall his ... deeds be forgotten among men.Tutu as Zi-azag thirdly they named, "the Bringer of Purification,""The God of the Favoring Breeze," "the Lord of Hearing and Mercy,""The Creator of Fulness and Abundance," " the Founder of Plenteousness,""Who increaseth all that is small."In sore distress we felt his favoring breeze,"Let them say, let them pay reverence, let them bow in humility before him!Tutu as Aga-azag may mankind fourthly magnify!"The Lord of the Pure Incantation," " the Quickener of the Dead,""Who had mercy upon the captive gods,""Who removed the yoke from upon the gods his enemies,""For their forgiveness did he create mankind,""The Merciful One, with whom it is to bestow life!"May his deeds endure, may they never be forgotten ,In the mouth of mankind whom his hands have made!Tutu as Mu-azag, fifthly, his "Pure incantation" may their mouth proclaim,Who through his Pure Incantation hath destroyed all the evil ones!"Sag-zu, [Marduk] "who knoweth the heart of the gods," " who seeth through the innermost part!""The evil-doer he hath not caused to go forth with him!""Founder of the assembly of the gods," who ... their heart!""Subduer of the disobedient," "...!""Director of Righteousness," "...,"" Who rebellion and...!"Tutu as Zi-si, "the ...,""Who put an end to anger," "who...!"Tutu as Suh-kur, thirdly, "the Destroyer of the foe,""Who put their plans to confusion,""Who destroyed all the wicked," "...,"... let them... ![There is a gap here of sixty lines. But somewhere among the lost lines belong the following fragments.]who...He named the four quarters of the world, mankind hecreated,And upon him understanding..."The mighty one...!"Agil..."The Creator of the earth...!"Zulummu... ."The Giver of counsel and of whatsoever...!"Mummu, " the Creator of...!"Mulil, the heavens...,"Who for...!"Giskul, let...,"Who brought the gods to naught....!".................. " the Chief of all lords,"... supreme is his might!Lugal-durmah, "the King of the band of the gods," " the Lord of rulers.""Who is exalted in a royal habitation,""Who among the gods is gloriously supreme!Adu-nuna, " the Counselor of Ea," who created the gods his fathers,Unto the path of whose majestyNo god can ever attain!... in Dul-azag be made it known,... pure is his dwelling!... the... of those without understanding is Lugaldul-azaga!... supreme is his might!... their... in the midst of Tiamat,... of the battle![Here follows the better-preserved ending.]... the star, which shineth in the heavens.May he hold the Beginning and the Future, may they pay homage unto him,Saying, "He who forced his way through the midst of Tiamat without resting,Let his name be Nibiru, 'the Seizer of the Midst'!For the stars of heaven he upheld the paths,He shepherded all the gods like sheep!He conquered Tiamat, he troubled and ended her life,"In the future of mankind, when the days grow old,May this be heard without ceasing; may it hold sway forever!Since he created the realm of heaven and fashioned the firm earth,The Lord of the World," the father Bel hath called his name.This title, which all the Spirits of Heaven proclaimed,Did Ea hear, and his spirit was rejoiced, and he said:"He whose name his fathers have made glorious,Shall be even as I, his name shall be Ea!The binding of all my decrees shall he control,All my commands shall he make known! "By the name of "Fifty " did the great godsProclaim his fifty names, they, made his path preeminent.
Let them [i.e. the names of Marduk] be held in remembrances and let the first man proclaim them;Let the wise and the understanding consider them together!Let the father repeat them and teach them to his son;Let them be in the ears of the pastor and the shepherd!Let a man rejoice in Marduk, the Lord of the gods,That be may cause his land to be fruitful, and that he himself may have prosperity!His word standeth fast, his command is unaltered;The utterance of his mouth hath no god ever annulled.He gazed in his anger, he turned not his neck;When he is wroth, no god can withstand his indignation.Wide is his heart, broad is his compassion;The sinner and evil-doer in his presence...They received instruction, they spake before him,... unto...... of Marduk may the gods...;... May they ... his name... !... they took and......................................!
lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009
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